Bynum Weaver
Clyde Perry - On his childhood, family, education, and integration
This interview is part of an oral history project called Southern Communities: Listening for a Change: Mighty Tigers--Oral HIstories of Chapel Hill's Lincoln High School. The interviewes were conducted from 2000-2001, by Bob Gilgor, with former teachers, staff, and students from Chapel Hill, N.C.'s…
Clyde Perry - On his childhood, family, education, and integration
Kay Gattis - On her life as a caregiver and her faith
And that’s my life, it's all about Ms. Kay, and I’m still going to help until the day I die. If they need help, I’m going to do it.
- Kay Gattis
Ms. Kay Gattis describes her upbringing in Chapel Hill, with her parents and eight siblings. She described how she took on the role of the caregiver…
Kay Gattis - On her life as a caregiver and her faith